There are a lot of no-bake energy bite recipes out there I've tried and I have loved several. They inspired me to make one up myself with what I already had in my kitchen. Hope you enjoy!
No exact measurements on how much of each ingredient, I just gauged amount depending on how much I wanted to make. It will turn out perfect. If something tastes off, just add more of whatever it is thats missing! 😋
Organic raw oats
Sea salt
Maca Powder
Coconut Oil
Flaxseed meal
Vanilla bean powder
Cocoa powder
Sliced almonds
Chia seeds
Mix all together and make into little balls. Roll over almonds. Refrigerate for about 30 min. These little treats are great to have a half hour before a work out or on your way out in the morning with your coffee.
They are so simple and easy to make! There are many ways of doing these. If you create some of your own and come up with a different concoction, please share!
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