Saturday, March 19, 2022

It shouldn’t have to take a new romance to walk into your life in order to move on and feel good. Sometimes it just takes a good wake up reminder. A reminder that you ARE good. 

I've blamed myself in the past when abandoned or when punished for setting boundaries. 'What did I do to contribute to this, what did I do wrong, did I hurt someones feelings?"

When I don't get the closure I think that I need, I find it difficult to move past the feelings of pain and loss especially if I was deeply invested in something. 

Here's the thing though! 

Others peoples choices/ behaviors are not always a result of us or our actions. Wanting a mutual relationship with someone for example isn’t wrong or expressing emotions (even if that means you are upset) when someone you care about throws you a curve ball also isn’t wrong. Sometimes the reasons aren't related to you as a person or anything you did wrong. 

I noticed after realizing my own worth more I started building relationships with inspiring people and new friends who are adding value to my life. After what feels like an eternity of swimming in my own pool of false hopes, I’m finally seeing the importance of letting go of something that no longer serves me. This isn’t about being perfect or having everything I’ve ever wanted. It’s about believing I deserve to be truly loved. 

No more giving men discounts or dealing with the kind of dating where I end up used, playing games, being taken for granted, commitment phobias or dealing with mixed feelings. 

Someone said, "when we know our worth, we’ll attract a partner who knows how to reciprocate. We’ll attract a significant other who will know how to express their feelings and love fully."

I couldn't agree more. No more being satisfied with mediocre romances. They are a waste of time. If this resonates with you, imagine being with someone who sees you, who chooses you. Who wants to make time to hug you, kiss you, and do this crazy life WITH you. Someone who wants a real meaningful love with you. They’ll shower you with their presence, their consistency and they'll want to spend time with you regardless of where they are at personally/professionally in their life. Why? Because you will better him. He will better you. There will be no excuses, no situationship, no occasional only hook ups. You’ll give each other your best. Focus on BEING a great partner, vs WANTING a great partner.💗 The best way to attract an amazing person is to BE an amazing person.💗 

We all deserve to have someone that wants to build something beautiful but it takes each one of us individually to honor and love ourselves first, they way we want to be loved. Let the people who chose to go pass on, and embrace the uncertainty of what’s to come.