Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Life is What it IS

This year has been filled with many ‘unique happenings' for me. Accepting difficult things as they come doesn’t feel natural to me. It hurts. It’s hard to accept something that doesn’t feel good. Maybe for some it’s easy. I envy you. Tell me your secrets. But for those of you like me...news is that I’m starting to see it’s possible. Once you’ve accepted it you will start to solve each of life's mysteries little by little...and you will begin to see these things differently. 

Life is what it is. It will continue to be a series of nows. If we can learn to love right now through it all, we will see our lives as amazing. Here are some life lessons that have helped me see. I hope they bring a light and impact on how you live just as they starting to do for me. ❤️

1. Life is now.

We keeping waiting for that amazing thing to happen in the future that will be the key to our happiness.
But this is it. Right now. Life continues to be a series of right nows. So learn to love right now, and you'll have an amazing life. 

2. Things gather dust.

Time and money spent accumulating material things will one day irritate you.
You have to clean, maintain, store, and move stuff. The less stuff you have, the freer you are. Purchase mindfully. Simplify. Declutter your life. 

3. Fun is underrated.

How much of your day is fun? Really fun?
Life is short. You should enjoy it. Don't make things serious that don't have to be.
Create more fun in your life. Don't worry about what other people think of your fun. Just enjoy it.

4. Failure is good.

We try so hard to avoid failure, but failure is the real evidence that we've had the courage to try.
If you avoid failure, you avoid taking action. Expect and accept that failure is part of the experience. Learn from it, grow from it, and move on.

5. Prioritize experiences.

The pleasure and positive memories afforded by great experiences far outweigh material things. If you're trying to decide between the new sofa or the family trip, take the trip every time.
Save and plan for new adventures and meaningful experiences. Don't just dream about them — make them happen.

6. Grudges cause pain.

Holding on to a grudge is like injecting poison into your body every day. Forgive and let go. There's no other way.
If your ego is preventing you from forgiving and letting something go, then tell your ego to take a hike. It's getting in the way of your happiness and well-being.

7. Passion upgrades life.

When you find that thing you love to do with all your heart, every day feels like a gift.
If you haven't found your life passion, make it your mission to find it. The joy it brings you spills over into all aspects of your life.

8. Travel expands you.

Travel makes you a more interesting, insightful, and accepting person.
It expands you, enlightens you, and teaches you about the variety of people, lifestyles, and cultures. It is a pursuit well worth saving for.

9. Risk expands you.

To make a positive change in your life, you often must take a risk. You must tolerate some level of uncertainty.
Taking thoughtful, calculated risk strengthens your “change muscle” and helps you grow.
10. Thoughts aren't real.
Every moment of the day, we have random thoughts floating through our brains.
Many of the thoughts are negative and limiting. You don't have to believe them. They aren't the truth or the whole truth.
Thoughts can become our reality, but only if we let them.

11. You can't control others.

We want people to think and behave as we do. We want them to accommodate us and live the way we think they should live. We want to change them.
But with awareness, we realize we can't and shouldn't try to control others. Instead, embrace differences and honor the uniqueness of the people in your life.

12. You can handle it.

Whatever you think you can't handle, you actually can.
You have more strength, more resilience, and more inner wisdom than you give yourself credit for. You'll get through it and survive — and maybe even be better for it.

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