Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Covid Afterthoughts

Happy Tuesday! I'm thankfully getting closer to feeling my normal self again. Other than losing my senses, (hoping those come back soon- I miss waking up to the taste of my vanilla mint toothpaste and the smell of cinnamon coffee in the mornings!) Covid came and went. It was basically a mild flu. I know everyone responds to this thing differently. For some it may become dangerous but for others it's a cold with a fancy name and a PR firm. My experience might not be the same as another person's experience you know of or even your own, but I like to share things that are positive and good. Theres a lot of fear out there related to this sickness so I just wanted to say that if you haven't had it yet or you are just getting it as you are reading this, it might not be as bad as you think. 


Mine started and ended the same way all my colds/ flus have started and ended growing up. I felt tired at the beginning of the week, my head hurt, my body ached, and I got a fever.  Once that passed after the first two days, I got a sore throat which then led to a cold by the end of the week. I didn't spend all my money on supplements and meds once I found out I had it. Or worry myself sicker by reading up on google how I might be doomed. I treated this as I treated any other sickness I've had to deal with. With rest, fluids, healthy foods, and my usual vitamins. And Nyquil. Thank goodness for Nyquil! As for the loss of taste and smell part - remember when we were kids and we couldn't taste the macaroni and cheese mom made us for dinner and we couldn't smell the grape scratch and sniff stickers at school?  This sensation I'm having now at first wasn't any different but I learned that with Covid it can linger and be potentially more serious than that. I'm hoping for this part to pass soon. I have faith it will! Nothing sucks more than being hungry, opening the fridge but then closing it because nothing sounds good! I'm normally an 'adder.' I'll add cheese, avocado, salsa, and other goodies to the top of my Annie’s burritos. Now it’s like why bother. I've been loading up instead on boring veggies, green tea and healthy spices that I don’t like the taste of since I know it's all good for me, so at least that's a positive too with losing my taste and smell. No need for pizza, cake or burritos with all those extra calorie trimmings!

I'm grateful for a mild case. I hope you never get it but if you do I hope it's mild too.


I've been asked if I'm going to go get vaccinated. I don’t know. A friend of mine has Covid in the Midwest right now too. She was vaccinated, I wasn't. I have some other health issues, she doesn't.  Her case isn't as mild as mine.  She should be the one with the easier case, not me. She also lost her taste and smell like me, so I guess getting vaccinated has nothing to do with preventing that. I know two young people who were taken from this awful virus. Both were vaccinated and boosted. A friend of mine here in LV bled for 3 straight months after her vaccination. Some friends I know in LA from my church weren't vaccinated, had the sniffles for a day then were better.  My acupuncturist had some serious complications with her hormones and estrogen levels after getting vaccinated. So, what's my hang up with still not wanting to get vaccinated? I can't give you a solid answer other than it just doesn't seem to be doing what it's being marketed to do. It also seems to be causing more havoc then help. I hear it helps all over the news. People I know who work in the medical field say it helps their patients. But with my own personal relationships and what’s happened with them, it doesn’t make sense. And when things don’t make sense to me I'm not one quick to follow a crowd even if everyone else is doing it. 


I think we should wear seatbelts.  You may not need it but it’s better to wear it than not wear it. It could prevent you from death and it also doesn’t potentially cause any harm by wearing it other than a possible seatbelt bruise. It’s a win win.  Sometimes I hear that it’s better to get vaxxed than not be. But are the vaxxes causing more harm than good though? Are all the hand sanitizers and masks preventing us from being able to handle any germ that comes our way and in actuality it’s making it harder for our bodies to fight through any illness, and is all this isolation causing loneliness, distraction and addiction to not being able to unplug? 


"Covid is not your enemy, fear is.  You will not die one day sooner or one day later than God has planned for you. But he did not create you to live in fear. The bible says, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound of mind."  

2 Timothy 1:7



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