(BTW blogging and IG-ing is fun for me. I always imagined if I were to have kids that growing up they would get to see an online scrapbook of my life. So if anything this could potentially be a cool post for my future kid(s) to read. Kind of like, “oh Mom is talking about something other than her coffee, her new candles, sharks, yoga, her travels or the clothing brands she likes, cool!” Let’s just hope that if I ever do have any that they don’t come across my posts on vagina steaming or Brazilian waxing but that’s neither here nor there...!) 😅
Ok so here’s what I got:
FIRST, you are going to get criticized no matter what you do, so do your thing! This is number one for a reason. No matter where I’ve been in life people have criticized me. If I had listened to every piece of negative feedback, I’d be like sitting in a dark cellar counting flies on the wall, drooling. We’ve all been criticized at one time or another. You gotta do what you gotta do, & either way someone, somewhere will have something to say. If you don’t want to be criticized, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. SECOND, don't be an asshole. We’ve all been there. I had a moment where I was in the post office a few months back. I was grumpy, irritable, & annoyed at something going on with politics. When I got to the counter, I snapped at the man working because he was taking a long time. Immediately I regretted it and guilt consumed my whole body…so I apoligized sincerely. I still go to that post office & now we’ve become friendly. Being a bitch is nasty. Smile, be gracious, be kind, & be humble! THIRD, you just never know. Don’t judge until you’ve walked in someone’s shoes. Some assume they know everything about me because a lot of my life is documented through social media. They don’t. In fact, they don’t know 80% of my past or my life. I have had MANY bumps in the road. MANY. Most do not know my deepest pains, inner fears and struggles & that’s ok with me but to judge without knowing isn’t logical. Life online looks flawless, #blessed, & glamourous. Don’t judge a book by it's cover because you never know. FOURTH, you can’t change people. This was probably the hardest thing for me for a while. I’ve had my moments of wanting to control the outcome of any family drama, relationships, friendships, work, etc. This year I’ve realized that ‘it is what it is’. Me trying to control the situation & change people into something they’re not is counterproductive & absolutely pointless. It’s a waste of breath! People are who they are. This year I’ve become more accepting especially because you never know the whole story. People are set in their ways for their own reasons. FIFTH, there’s never a “right” time for anything. Book the trip, ask him/her out, launch the business — and most importantly, live on purpose. Just f-ing do it! SIXTH, diets suck. A healthy diet is where it’s at. 🥳. A diet is like an ex-boyfriend that you don’t want to text when you’re drunk. You text him & then regret it afterwards. Diets give you that empty feeling once they stop working. It’s a quick fix & high with short term results. Sticking to healthy living, wellness remedies, green juice, weekly workouts, water, oils, herbs, clean foods, & good vibes is a long term, sustainable goal. Balance is key! SEVENTH, no one is going to do anything for you. If you want something to happen, get off your butt & make it happen. A fairy godmother isn’t going to come create a dream career for you because you went to an expensive college…life is what you make of it. If you want to be a home & work spaces designer, go for it. It’s not going to fall into your lap. If you want to be in a better relationship, work on yours or get out & say BYE. If you want to do good in the world, then do good. Opportunities usually don’t just fall from the sky, you gotta make em happen! And lastly, worry is like a rocking chair. It gets you no where! If someone would have told me this more often at 20, I would have had much less stress and anxiety (like the real terrifying kind where you don’t know wtf is happening throughout your body) throughout my life so far. Worrying is pointless. Whenever I start worrying about something I cannot control, I shift my focus. Life is going to flow how it flows.
Thank you for stopping by and for all the thoughtful birthday wishes today. My heart is full! 💓
Cheers to the next 365… together!